الثلاثاء، 19 فبراير 2008

Life is nice

(how to be hppy)

Everyone just wants to be happy. That's why people go on diets
spend too much money for clothes, or suck up to popular people - because they think it will make them happy! Happiness can be a "comfortable-good" or an "excited-good" or a "chilled-out-good" because it has many flavours and faces, depending on whom you are with, or what you are doing. However, if you get to know all different people, you will see what makes the happiest people happy.

[ Steps]

Change your thought process.
See the world for what it really is
Lighten up
Be yourself
Make a scheduled time every day for relaxation.
Get a job you love
Develop a strong relationship with your family.
Choose the right companion.
Choose your friends carefully.
Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.
Wish the best for others and mean it.
Keep learning
Set goals.
Be healthy
Strive for long term goals vs. short term satisfaction

Try to make someone else happy and you will feel happy for achieving something

Smile! It's contagious and takes less effort than frowning. Stop stressing about money or things out of your control.

Get plenty of sleep every night.

When you receive a compliment from others, accept it and say "thank you", with a smile

Get healthy or stay healthy by eating right and exercising

Pay your bills on time, and be in the habit of keeping an orderly home. Treat yourself to something special once in a while, not because you 'need' it, but just because you 'want' it. Fulfill your own desires once in a while

Make new friends and talk to them about your problems. Listen to theirs, communicate.
Get out of your house and hang out with friends.

Keep a "Thankful For..." Journal. Every day write down a few things that you are thankful for and then review what you have written in past entries. It's a great way to remind yourself to be thankful for what you have and to boost your mood!


If you can't be happy from within, and be satisfied with what you
have or who you are, then you will never be truly happy with anyone else.
You can only temporarily buy happiness.
Do not spend your money only for necessities. Money is only a tool used to acquire the things you need or want in life. Do not love the tool or become a slave to it. Occasionally you should treat yourself and others to something special to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Remember that actions do have consequences

well u're the only true friend!!!‏

If I gave you

Only 5 minutes

To tell me every single

Person that you love

As a friend

Would I be mentioned?

Am I important to you??

What if you died tomorrow

And never got to be with

The person you love.

What if I died tomorrow

Would you remember me?

What if we got into a fight

Would we ever be friends again?
Think about all the questions.

You would ask your friends

If you died tomorrow....

Would They Care??
I would, you're my friends

Send this to at least 12

Of your good friends

Show them that you care

Show them they mean something

To you....

Send it back to the person that Sent It to You

If I died tomorrow....

Would you care???

(1) Person... You're a Crappy Friend

(5) People... You're ok, I guess

(10) People... You're a good friend, I know you care

(12) People... All your friends CARE about you

(13+) People... You're the best friend ANYONE could have

~* Life teaches us *~
It takes strength to be firm. It takes courage to be gentle. It takes strength to conquer. It takes courage to surrender. It takes strength to fit in. It takes courage to stand out. It takes strength to bear your pain. It takes courage to bear others' pain. It takes strength to stand guard. It takes courage to let down your guard. It takes strength to hide your fault. It takes courage to confess it. It takes strength to hide your tears. It takes courage to let them roll down. It takes strength to be certain. It takes courage to remove doubt. It takes strength to endure abuse. It takes courage to stop it. It takes strength to stand alone. It takes courage to gather. It takes strength to love. It takes courage to be lovable. It takes

strength to survive. It takes courage to enjoy

هناك 9 تعليقات:

SH.AB يقول...

congratulation Mizna
nice website and i like very much "how to be happy

my regards SH.AB

malak_al7ob يقول...

وااااااااااااااو بصراحة رهيب بمعنى الكلمة

فديتج انا كييييييييييييب ات اب

Dm3at_alhezn يقول...

Thank You sweety ... Nice blog and intersting topics ...

Best Wishes ..


Unknown يقول...

Hi Mazzooooooooon

nice website dear I like your style very much

I hope you become a great website designer

لا يكبر راسك عاد خ خ خ خ خ

وإلا الأمام


pink_Dream يقول...

iafaonice topic malkt alarad for our life

I learn a lot things when i read your topic


عمانية وأفتخر يقول...

فديتج وايد روعه

مواضيعج يفتحن النفس

الى الامام وبالتوفيق

flower يقول...

رااااائع وفوق الرااائع

يا الوجه الطفولي

malkat alarab يقول...

the scorpion
عمانية وأفتخر

thank you for visiting my blog

I wish you will be back again

sohar يقول...



Bsraha WAAAW